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Both Treasured Hanukkah Menorahs of Early Israel books    

are dedicated with deep gratitude...

To America,
shining brightest among great nations,
and lighting the way to freedom…

To the American presidents,
who have found inspiration
in the message of Hanukkah…

To our fathers and mothers,
whose dreams lit centuries of darkness
and finally the way back to freedom in Zion…

To our sisters and brothers and friends,
who have rekindled and nurtured and defended
the Hanukkah miracle in our beloved Israel,
as in Days of Old at this Season…

And to our children,
and cherished children everywhere,
who will keep a world blessed with peace
and radiant with the light of freedom.

especially the devoted staffs and supporters of

Honest Reporting  and CAMERA...

And in remembrance of our own

Ehud Schachar of Kibbutz Merhavia,

Who died for freedom at the age of 18 in 1956 near Gaza.